Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pidgin Update for Yahoo! Bug

Hi guys... just want to update with regards to my previous post regarding the Pidgin issues with Yahoo! IM accounts...

There has been a release with regards to a fix of the Yahoo! log-in problem that has been encountered over the past few days... the permanent and stable fix is to update to the latest version of Pidgin, which is version 2.5.7 ... the default version installed in Ubuntu Jaunty is version 2.5.5 or might even be lower, which has exhibited the log-in problems...

To get the latest version, just download the installer at or at

For Ubuntu users... copy and paste the following on a Terminal Command Line...

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver \ 67265eb522bdd6b1c69e66ed7fb8bee0a1f196a8

echo deb \ `lsb_release --short --codename` main | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pidgin-ppa.list

This will include the latest release updates of Pidgin when you run the Update Manager... To those who do not wish to "update" your whole installation of Ubuntu... simply run this command...

sudo apt-get install pidgin

If I'm right... this will just update your current version of Pidgin... and nothing else...

Hope this helps.

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