Saturday, June 20, 2009

CentOS 5.3 and Oracle 10g

I've posted before that I was undertaking a project wherein I have to prep-up a machine with CentOS 5.3 for use with an Oracle DB version 10g... Here is just a small update, and maybe useful to those also who are undertaking this matter.

My main issues with CentOS was the package dependencies and requirements prior to installation of the Oracle DB application. I followed an installation manual on the website of Oracle ( ), but reading on it will show that it only mentions about RHEL4 and not RHEL5. Taking on a gamble and much readings over the internet, they differ little with each other in terms of setting-up and requirements.

One thing worth mentioning here is the 3 dependency packages mentioned as a requirement for Oracle, in particular gnome-libs, xscreensaver, and pdksh. I'll just quickly discuss my findings and as to how I dealt with those packages...

  • gnome-libs is stated that it is not installed if u do "rpm -q" ... if you can install it manually by downloading the packages over the internet, might as well do so. In my case however, I just tried my best and installed GTK and glib packages since some of its library dependency matches.
  • pdksh has been phased out and been replaced with ksh package upon release of RHEL 5, so don't worry about this one.
  • xscreensaver has been phased out as well and been replaced with something called gnome-screensaver or something similar.

After going through this ordeal. I managed to finally install Oracle version without any more fuss. Hope this helps to those seeking some answers to this one.

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